Impoverished people

Impoverished people 

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blob.aspx?id 11601
blob.aspx?id 11601
... 's mission oxfam novib endeavours to achieve sustainable development by supporting projects undertaken by impoverished people in developing countries and by giving them a voice. oxfam novib has three aims ... of the poorest people in our decision-making. in order to tackle poverty novib prefers to collaborate with local organisations that work with and for the most impoverished people. oxfam novib ...

blob.aspx?id 14214
blob.aspx?id 14214
... 's mission oxfam novib endeavours to achieve sustainable development by supporting projects undertaken by impoverished people in developing countries and by giving them a voice. oxfam novib has three aims ... of the poorest people in our decision-making. in order to tackle poverty novib prefers to collaborate with local organisations that work with and for the most impoverished people. oxfam novib ...  meer van deze site

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